Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Social Spinning

Spent an interesting hour tonight listening to Bradley Will and Russell Yermal of "Social Spin" talking about the emerging business of establishing a presence for yourself on social networks. A lot of it is standard business etiquette, but the larger interest for me is how the continues to dissolve the old standards. It used to be that it took a huge amount of money and effort to reach people and convince them of your expertise. Now, we just type a few words into a search engine and can reach hundreds of experts, both alive and dead, and tap their knowledge. Even this power used to be limited to desktop computers, but with laptops, tablet computers, and smartphone, there's literally no place where you can't connect to the Internet and tap into the world's knowledge. Yermal and Will are two explorer/adventurers in a vast landscape the limits of which we still can't imagine.

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